March 17, 2011

The "Purpose of This Blog" Post

I decided to start up a new blog. I play a lot of Warmachine and Hordes. I own four armies. (For those curious, I play Khador, Retribution, Circle, and Trollbloods.) I tend to think about these games a lot. Not just the games I play or the lists I make. I tend to think a lot more generally. I'll take something and plan out everything I can do with it. This happens a lot when new models come out, when I start "theorymachining" (thinking up tactics to use before even laying the model on the table) and building lists based around those models. As it is, I don't take the approach some take where they make a list (or lists) for the next tournament and play the hell out of it until the tourney. My play style is a lot more varied than that. There's a reason I play four armies. I get bored playing the same thing over and over again. So whether it's something new or a new spin on something old, I can't play the same thing forever.

So thus, my brain races with lots of new tactics, and I've decided to use this blog to let some of them out. I have a few different things I'm going to go over, and with any luck regularly update:
  • Model Tactica (Not just warcasters or warlocks either. In fact, my first post will be one of the warjacks in the banner, none other than the Khadoran Kodiak. This won't be entirely limited to my 4 factions either. I will occasionally work on my theories with models from other factions too.)
  • New/Interesting tactics and follow-up reports discussing how they work (or don't) on the battlefield.
  • Tournament Reports (This Sunday I plan to report on a Hardcore tournament I'm attending in East Lansing on Saturday.)
  • Painting (Mostly in terms of my own progress. These will be sparse, but I have this insane dream of taking my Retribution army to GenCon this year and fielding every model released up to that point fully painted. So expect me to start and blog on that progress at some point.)
As for the name? Arkanika has meaning for two of my factions. Naturally Retribution comes to mind, as their myrmidons run entirely on arcanica. Add in Khador's tendency to replace their C's with K's (Kapitan, Kommander, High Kommand, etc.), and you've got a winner. Don't worry; I'll be working on the other factions as well.

I will be creating a Facebook page and a Twitter feed for Arkanika as well. (Links forthcoming.) For now, I'm going to start working on that Kodiak post.

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