May 5, 2011

War at the Store

The Detroit area is hosting the first ever (to our knowledge) 150-point tournament this Saturday. My Khadorans are coming to play for this one. I was thinking about scenarios on this one; obviously if I can get to the zones first, I can have a fairly good chance of winning. But how can I guarantee this? I started thinking about warcaster combinations, and one stuck out. I would have to borrow models to do it, but it could be devastating.

Remember how, a little while ago, I blogged about my first game using Bart? Under the original plan, he was to be step 2. My original combination was to use Old Witch's feat to test the waters, then have Bart come in and knock anything down that approaches. I'd then finish up with prime Sorscha, kicking my opponent while he's down. Because we all know how fun being simultaneously knocked down and stationary is...

I've since modified my combination as I was worried about hitting power and model count (as both Sorscha and Old Witch are primarily infantry casters, and I wanted to limit the number of models I needed to borrow), so I replaced the Old Witch with the Butcher. I still get some of the same support (Iron Flesh), but I get a feat that directly benefits my army (sans Bart and crew), and a caster that can run a few warjacks efficiently. And unlike Karchev, who I was also considering, Butcher offers more support for his army, not just his battlegroup, as he also has access to Fury. I have him running 5 'jacks, which is a bit steep, but in a bigger game I don't have to send them all in at once.

I round out the army with some Doom Reavers to tangle up with the front lines, Kayazy to hold a flank, Demo Corps to clog the middle after the Reavers, Dirty Meg running a Freebooter, and a fair number of support units and solos like Widowmakers, Manhunter and Yuri, a Koldun Lord, Fenris, and the like. I tried to maximize my support options while also maintaining a reasonable 'jack count and not duplicating anything (as there's a prize for not duplicating anything and winning a lot). With that feat combination possessed by Sorscha and Bart and the support to keep the flanks busy, I should be able to do pretty well tactically.

I've never played any games on this scale before. I've played a couple of 100-pointers, but that's nothing compared to this. The combinations are bound to be brutal. (I know that a Bethayne/eLylyth/Vayl combination is coming, for instance. Auto-boosted Hoarfrost, ew.) It's going to be chaotic. It's going to be a really long day. But it's going to be a blast. I can feel it already.

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