I'm going against Skarre, Deathjack, a Leviathan, a Nightwretch, a full unit of Satyxis Raiders (with Sea Witch and Captain), a Necrosurgeon and Stitch Thralls, and a Warwitch Siren. I get some Pillars of Salt up early to block the Raiders' and Deathjack's advance, but he goes around. Skarre uses her feat, leaving Mohsar and Megalith useless while making herself, Deathjack, and Leviathan invincible for a turn. I use the Warpwolf Stalker to try to get into position, but I can't hit the Nightwretch to save my life. I get one last shot when Skarre charges the Warpwolf and fails to kill it, but I left her alive by one. Meanwhile, Mohsar was playing with his new friend...
Next round I got paired against one of the two Legion players. This one had Saeryn, a Carnivean, a Raek, 4 Shredders, 2 Scathers, 2 Forsaken, a Shepherd, Gudrun, and Totem Hunter. The Wolf Riders are the MVP's here, as they take out the Totem Hunter, Gudrun, a good chunk of the Carni, and manage to get a blow on Saeryn. This was the only game I had a feat in, and it caused a couple Shredders (those who didn't die to a Crevasse) to frenzy and get in the way of the Carnivean, who was already toying with a Pillar of Salt. Things got a little fishy in the end, but time was called and I had enough of a presence in the Killbox (read: Megalith) to get myself a win.
In the last round I got paired against eStryker packing an Ironclad, Stormclad, 10 Stormguard, Gun Mage Captain, Journeyman with a really annoying Charger, Reinholdt, Rhupert Carvolo, and 3 Stormsmiths. I call the Charger annoying because it took out 2 of the Wolf Riders and a decent chunk of Mohsar before I tied it up with the Woldwatcher. We traded a lot of blows, though. A couple of Crevasses and the Stalker took out most of the Stormguard in one turn, and a missed charge prevented the Stalker from boxing the Ironclad, running back via Lightning Strike, and coming back to work on the Stormclad (who ultimately finished both my heavies). I got Stryker down to about 5 before time was called, only this time I'd lost the attrition battle for the 2-2 finish.
I thought the list worked well though. Mohsar did get caught in melee twice (though it survived the assault from the Raek), but all of my games were close. The list performed well, just fell a little bit short a couple times. It's looking like my next major tournament is going to be at the end of next month, and probably a 150-point monstrosity. I'm starting to get a few ideas, but more on that at a later date.
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