Tomorrow I'm going to a Hardcore tournament up in East Lansing. I'll report on it on Sunday in full, I'm just going to do a quick once-over over my list and a loose plan for it. For starters, the 35-point list is:
- Mohsar the Desertwalker
- Megalith
- Warpwolf Stalker
- Woldwatcher
- Woldwyrd
- Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
- Tharn Wolf Riders (3)
There's not a lot to get in the way, so I want the Watcher to stay close to Mohsar to prevent a ranged assassination. Knowing there's a pretty good Retribution player up there, I'm going to want to protect some fury for transfers in case of Kaelyssa. The lack of models also means that placement of Pillars of Salt is crucial, but I wanted to keep model count down because it's Hardcore and time is an issue. The two heavies are my primary damage output, and the Wolf Riders provide a good flank that can come in for an assassination (especially if I can get Curse of Shadows on their prey target). The Wyrd can pick off targets depending on upkeeps (and in a practice game I played did a good chunk of damage to Calandra with Bullet Dodger up), and the Stones can give me better positioning, or they can heal when necessary.
My main problems during the little testing I did revolved around dice (as in another game I was having trouble hitting an unbuffed Scythean of all things), so I'm pretty confident the list can do something. I'll be posting updates throughout the day on Twitter (
@arkanikawmh), so stay tuned to that, as well as the full report here. (Hopefully with pictures!)
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