I've been putting together my Dawnguard Destors (finally... took a month to get them in), and in the meanwhile I've been looking over ideas on getting them on the field. Retribution's still relatively new, so compared to other factions there are a limited number of synergies available to specific models/units as opposed to, say, Cygnar, since Retribution only has one book's worth of models while Cygnar has six (not including Wrath, obviously). This is a blessing and a curse, as you have less to think about, but fewer options. Regardless, though, I've thought of quite a few.
Destors are heavy cavalry, of course. Their speed is average for cavalry, and their MAT is actually slightly higher, which goes along with the Dawnguard theme. Even their RAT is decent (and also on par with the Invictors), and their ARM is pretty good, especially once you put unyielding into the mix. Destors can play a varied role in the army, as well. On the one hand, they have a pretty good POW charge attack, and they have gunfighter to use their cannons in melee. On the other hand, if they're out of melee, they can take advantage of Dual Shot. (Remember, you cannot gain an aiming bonus if you're in melee, and you can't get your second shot if you don't get an aiming bonus.) It really does go along with the Retribution's theme of having a versatile, dual-threat army.
Some warcasters get better use out of them than others though. Vyros is a fairly obvious choice, as Dual Shot can rack up kills for his feat, plus they can get up to ARM 21 in melee with Inviolable Resolve upkept on them. Vyros is also the only warcaster with a theme force that features them currently (and only in his “Legions of the Dawn” force in Forces of Warmachine: Retribution of Scyrah). Ravyn is also a pretty good pick, since they can get pretty good range with Snipe, and due to Tall in the Saddle can be screened behind pretty much any front-line infantry, letting them get ample shots in before joining the charge. Obviously Ravyn's feat works very well with Dual Shot as well.
I'm going to mention Rahn too, because of a tactic that allows them to get the charge off that I learned from a friend of mine (only he used eNemo and Storm Lances). Using Polarity Shield will almost guarantee they get the charge, unless the opponent has a ridiculous advancing threat range or superior ranged firepower. (Or pretty good luck... I actually thwarted this plan with Trollkin Scattergunners, who rolled godly on dice, killing 4 and forcing the last to flee from casualties – appropriate, considering the luck I had.) Kaelyssa and Garryth don't get as much from them, though Kaelyssa's feat does help get the charge off in a similar nature to Rahn (while also granting Stealth to avoid having them shot to death), and Garryth can play around with their threat ranges with Mirage upkept on them.
I plan on using them in a gaming session this weekend, at least once with Rahn and possibly with Ravyn as well. (Appropriate, too, since I've just finished painting those two warcasters.) I might throw in a battle report if one of them happens to go well. In either case, the Destors have me excited about cavalry again, and I'm ready to finally let them loose.
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