2x Khador (pSorscha/pButcher/Bart, eButcher/eVlad/Strakhov)
2x Cygnar (pStryker/Siege/Sloan, eStryker/pHaley/Siege)
1x Protectorate (“Epic Prime:” eKreoss, ToM, eSeverius***)
1x Skorne (eMakeda, Hexeris, Rasheth)
2x Legion (eLylyth/Vayl/Bethayne*, eLylyth, eThagrosh, Bethayne**)
Not that varied, but with a smaller turnout like this, that isn't horrible.
How'd I fare? Round 1 (Scenario: Incursion) I was up against the Skorne player. This one was my learning experience, as my whole point was to stack feats, and my deployment spread out my casters. My inexperience with Bart showed as well, since my failure to pop his feat turn 2 resulted in my left flank swarmed by Arcuari and Ferox, and Bart quickly got Molik Karn'd from eMakeda's feat. The right flank worked out better, as the Kayazy were holding their own against Hexeris' beasts, especially once Fury went up. Sorscha feated to try to get a flag back and keep the game alive, but Beast-09 flubbed damage majorly on the following Thresher. One Nihilator made his tough roll, and I rolled 3 and 4 on damage against 2 Gatormen, and one of them then made a Taskmaster-granted tough roll against my bought attack. They were frozen and my opponent forgot to shake his Titans, but Hexeris still managed to arc a Soulfire through the frozen Titan to finish Sorscha and take the last point.
Round 2 was against the second of the Cygnar players on Diversion. I go first again and get Bart on the right flank to go after my flag. I have a few solos take the left, as I'm pretty certain Yuri and Fenris, with Manhunter support, could take on Stormblades. A few 'jacks clashed in the middle, but Khadoran artillery remained superior to Cygnaran firepower. (Wait... what?) Bart's feat keeps Stormguard and Thorn off the flag for my first point, and the following turn Sorscha (with Fury on her) and Butcher double feat and quickly take care of Siege and Haley, and Stryker is forced to regroup. This allows me to contest the last zone with my Mule and win on scenario.
Last round was Grind. Lots of people complained, because Grind is nearly impossible to score on. (The whole room erupted when the eventual winner, as time was winding down, shouted “GOOOAAAALLLLLL!” upon somehow actually scoring.) I was against the Thagrosh flavor of Legion, and my front line got battered by his feat. I lost Behemoth, Beast, and both of Bart's heavies early, but countered with Butcher feating to take care of a Scythean, 2 Angelius, and a few Warmongers that made the mistake of getting too close. Drago was key here, as he took out a Carnivean and Belphagor later on in addition to the Scythean early. Bart then fell to Lylyth, and it became a battle of attrition to the end. Normally Warmachine wins this battle, but Legion had enough guns going for them that I couldn't get too close. Once Butcher fell to Lylyth's arrows, I just had Sorscha go out in style.
The whole thing was amazingly fun, though. I'd do it again. After all, I don't normally play large games. I don't usually have time to. This was one blast of an experience because of all the interactions that could take place. Having multiple feats in play (or even just the possibility of it) brings about a whole new level of strategy. Plus, you get some really cool combos. I mentioned putting Fury on Sorscha and double-feating. Bethayne can feat and give Vayl an auto-boosted Hoarfrost, which is devastating. Epic Kreoss can make a hard-hitting 'caster with Engine of Destruction like Reznik auto-hit. I love seeing these combos. The possibilities just get my head popping.
I need to play more large games like this.
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